Property Details MLS Jurisdiction * Property Address * (If you do not know or have an exact street address, e.g. for land, please provide your PARCEL ID) Property Address * (If you do not know or have an exact street address, e.g. for land, please provide your PARCEL ID) Apt / Suite / Unit Apt / Suite / Unit City * City * State/Province * ALAKAZARCACOCTDEDCFLGAHIIDILINIAKSKYLAMEMDMAMIMNMSMOMTNENVNHNJNMNYNCNDOHOKORPARISCSDTNTXUTVTVAWAWVWIWY State/Province * Zip/Postal * Zip/Postal * County * What’s your property type? Select a Property Type * Single Family A detached house (free standing) intended for one family to live in at a time. This category is not for Mobile/Manufactured homes. CondoA separate unit owned by an individual owner in a housing complex Vacant Lot/Land Any property on which there is no improvement (no building) and no current construction on it. Townhouse/Villa A multi-floor home that shares one or two walls with adjacent properties. Each has its own entrance and often a small front lawn and backyard as well. Multi-family A single building with one parcel ID that is divided to accommodate more than one family living separately. Mobile/Manufactured A prefabricated structure, built in a factory on a permanently attached chassis before being transported to site. We can only list these structures where the land is owned. Is your Mobile/Manufactured property on leased land? * Yes No IMPORTANT: We are unable to list mobile / manufactured homes that do not include the land (or any other type property that does not include the land). Property Ownership / Signing Authority * This information is very important and will be used to determine the proper signatories on all listing documents, as well as determine the proper ownership of the property to list. In most cases, a listed property will be owned by individuals. However, if this is owned by a corporation, or signed using a legal Power of Attorney relationship, or by a Trustee of an estate, you will be able to specify that in this section. Select Property Ownership * Owned by Individual(s) – Select this option if you are the owner of the property. The ownership of the property is by individual(s) and will be signed by same individual(s). Estate of Deceased Person(s) / Signed by Trustee – If you are a Trustee or Executor of an estate property, select this option to sign as the Trustee. You will need to provide the name of the estate (i.e., Estate of Esther Smith) and provide your name as the signer on behalf of the estate. Owned by Corporation or Other Business Entity – Select this option if the property is owned by a corporation. You will need to provide a name for the person who will be signing on behalf of the corporation. Signing on Behalf of Deeded Owner(s) (Power of Attorney) – Select this option if property is owned by someone else but you are signing on behalf of the deeded owners with a valid Power of Attorney. You will need to provide your name as POA and upload a valid POA document authorizing you to sign. Continue